
Hi. My name is Andrew Coltrin. This is my webpage. Mostly it’s a blog where I post about my projects or other things that interest me. Those things usually have to do with being autistic, liking science fiction and comedy, or writing science fiction and comedy. I also write autism nonfiction. Sometimes I teach afterschool programs on making comic books or performing stand-up comedy. I also really love singing karaoke.

Partly Robot Industries is the name of my small business through which I organize my writing, publishing, and public speaking ventures. I have been known to do a little mystery shopping to help keep the books in the black.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Thank you so much for publishing this (A is for Aspergers) book! I have Aspergers Autism, I am so glad that I now have the ultimate book for my family to see. It definitely clears up a few misconceptions that my family has had. Thank you!

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